Saturday, November 17, 2007


STAND BY THE OARS - Lift oars off the thwarts, place blades flat on the forward gunwales, push oars forward until handle is over re­spective thwart.
UP OARS - Lift oars to vertical position. Trim blades fore and aft with handle resting on footings.
SHOVE OFF THE BOW - Bowman lets go boat rope or sea painter or hauls in boat painter. Shoves off bow using boat hook.
LET FALL - Let oars fall into rowlocks using crook of outboard arm to control the oars. Trim oars horizontally with blades trimmed fore and aft. Bowmen up oars before com­mand of "let fall" or put out oars as soon as possible.
GIVE WAY - Move blades of oars forward and dip about half way into the water and start stroke. At end of stroke, blades are feathered fore and aft and pushed forward and an­other stroke is made.
OARS - Complete the stroke and level the oars horizontally with the blades trimmed fore and aft.
BACK WATER - Row backwards.
HOLD WATER - Complete the stroke, stop rowing, dip blade about half way into water, and hold water to stop the way on the boat.
STERN ALL - When rowing in ahead motion, complete the stroke, then commence to back-water, gradually increasing the depth of immersion of the blades.
WAY ENOUGH - When rowing in ahead motion, complete the stroke, raise oars with crook of elbow to about 30 degrees, swing blades forward, and place oars in the boat.
TOSS OARS - Complete the stroke, come to "oars," raise the oars smartly to the vertical, rest handles on the footings, and trim blades fore and aft.
IN BOWS - The bowmen complete the stroke, swing their oars forward, and boat the oars, then stand by with boat hooks or to receive the sea painter or boat rope.
BOAT THE OARS - From "oars" or from "toss oars," place the oars in the boat with blades forward.
OUT OARS - Place oars in rowlocks directly from the boated position or from "stand by oars" position.
STAND BY TO GIVE WAY - Term used in racing. The blades are pushed to forward position and slightly dipped ready for an instant start.
TRAIL OARS - At this command, the blades of the oars are brought alongside the boat and left trailing in the water, in single-banked boats fitted with swivel rowlocks.