Thursday, March 6, 2008


Have navigation charts been selected from chart catalogue, including
1. Large scale charts for coastal waters
2. Small scale charts for ocean passages
3. Planning charts
4. Routeing, climatic, pilot and load line zone charts

Have publications been selected, including
1. Sailing directions and pilot books
2. Light lists
3. Radio signals
4. Guides to port entry
5. Tide tables and tidal stream atlas

Have all navigation charts and publications have been corrected up to date
1. The ordering of new charts/publications, if necessary
2. Notices to mariners
3. Local area warnings
4. NAVAREA navigational warnings

Have the following been considered
1. Ship's departure and arrival draughts
2. Ship's cargo and any special cargo stowage/carriage restrictions
3. If there are any special ship operational requirements for the passage

Have the following been checked?
1. Planning charts and publications for advice and recommendations on route to be taken.
2. Climatological information for weather characteristics of the area
3. Navigation charts and publications for landfall features
4. Navigation charts and publications for Ships Routeing Schemes, Ship Reporting Systems, and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS).

Has weather routeing been considered for passage?
Have the following preparations been made for port arrival?
1. Navigation charts and publications studied for pilotage requirements
2. Ship to Shore Master/Pilot Exchange form prepared
3. Pilot Card updated
4. Port guides studied for port information induding arrival / berthing restrictions
Other checks: