Thursday, November 22, 2007


1. "Rotation" is the ? spinning of a celestial body about its axis

2. The spinning of a celestial body about an axis is known as ? rotation

3. "Space motion" is the ? motion of bodies in the solar system relative to the 'Stars

4. The motion of bodies in the solar system relative to surrounding stars is known as ? space motion

5. In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to latitude on the Earth ? Altitude

6.In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to longitude on the Earth ?
Azimuth angle

7. In the horizon system of coordinates what is the equivalent to the celestial equator of the celestial equator system ? Horizon

8. The nadir is the point on the celestial sphere that is ? directly below the observer

9. The point on the celestial sphere that is directly below an observer is the ? nadir

10.A celestial body will cross the prime vertical circle when ? the latitude is numerically greater than the declination and both are of the same name.

11.The azimuth angle of an amplitude is measured from the ? prime vertical

12.The great circle of the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith, nadir, and the eastern point of the horizon is the ?prime vertical

13.The great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith and the north and south poles isthe ? principal vertical

14.The prime vertical is the great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the ? zenith, nadir and the east point of the horizon

15.The prime vertical is the reference point from which the angle of what type of observation is measured ? Amplitude

16.The principal vertical circle is that great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the ? zenith and the north and south poles

17.The Sun's center is coincident with the principal vertical circle when ? in lower transit

18.The Sun's center may be coincident with both the celestial equator and the observer's prime vertical circle when ? its declination is zero

19.If an observer is at 35° N latitude, his zenith is ? 35° N of the celestial equator

20.The point on the celestial sphere that is directly over the observer is the ? zenith