Symbols are signs, letters, or abbreviations used to replace words. They are used in mathematics and certain sciences to good advantage by reducing the amount of space required to explain a thing. Since symbols take the place of words and, they form a language of there own her here is a list that is used in Radar Plotting.
CPA - Closest Point of Approach.
DRM - Direction of relative movement, DRM is always in the directon of MI-M2-M3.
e - The origin of own ship's vector (e-r), also the origin of contact's vector (e-m).
e-m - Contact's vector (Contact's true course and the distance contact actually travels).
e-r - Own ship's initial vector (Own ship's true course and the distance own ship actually travels).
e-r' - Own ship's final vector (Own ship's final course and the distance own ship actually travels on the final course).
OC - Own ship's initial course.
m - The head of the relative motion vector (r-m) also the head of the contact's vector (e-m).
M1 - First plotted position of contact.
M2,M3 - Later plotted positions of contact Point of execution; position of contact on.
RML at planned time of own ship's maneuver.
NRML - New Relative Motion Line the Relative Motion Line after own ship has maneuvered.
NRM&RL - New Relative Motion and Reference Line, New Relative Motion Line advanced to the point "m".
r - The head of own ship vector (e-r).
r' - The head of final own ship vector (e-r') the head of own ship vector after course and/or speed change.
r-m - The relative motion vector.
RML - Relative Motion Line.
SRM - Speed of Relative Movement.