1. Right ascension is prmarily used by the navigator for ? Plotting on star finders.
2. The GHA of the first point of Aries is 315° and the GHA of a planet is 150°. What is the right ascension of the planet ? 11 hours.
3. The angle that is measured westward from the first point of Aries to the hour circle of the body along the celestial equator is the ? Sidereal hour angle.
4. The celestial coordinate of a star that is relatively constant in value is the ? Sidereal hour angle.
5. The difference (measured in degrees) between the GHA of the body and the longi tude of the observer is the ? Meridian angle.
6. The arc of a great circle which passes through the body and celestial poles is part of the ? Hour circle.
7. The ecliptic is ? The path the Sun appears to take among the stars.
8. The navigator is concerned with three systems of coordinates. Which system is not of major concern ? Ecliptic.
9. The equator is ? The primary great circle of the Earth perpendicular to the axis.
10.The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude ? Decreases with increased latitude.
11.The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude and expressed in miles is the ? Departure.
12.The angle at the pole measured through 180° from the prime meridian to the meridian of a point is known as ? Longitude.
13. A plane perpendicular to the polar axis will never form what line on the Earth's surface ?
14. A plane that cuts the Earth's surface and passes through the poles will always form ? A meridian.
15. A plane that cuts the Earth's surface at any angle and passes through the center will always form ? A great circle.
16. A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a ? Small circle.
17. A parallel of latitude other than the equator is a ? Small circle.
18. The angle measured at the observer's meridian from the elevated pole, clockwise or counterclockwise up to 180°, to the vertical circle of the body is the ? Azimuth angle.
19. The azimuth angle of a sun sight is always measured from the ? Elevated pole.
20. An azimuth angle for a body is measured from the ? Observer's meridian.