Monday, January 28, 2008


WHIPPING LINE. Never cut a line or leave the end of a line dangling loose without a whipping to prevent it from unlaying. A line without whipping will unlay of its own accord. Whenever you cut a line or hawser whippings should be put on first, on each side of the cut. To prevent fraying, a temporary or plain whipping can be put on with any type cordage, even rope yarn.


To make a temporary whipping, you should:

Lay the end of the whipping along the line and bind it down with three or four round turns.

Lay the other end the opposite way.

Bind this end with a bight of the whipping.

Take a couple more turns.

Take the bitter of the whipping and pull it tight.

A permanent whipping, is put on to stay. One way to make a permanent whipping is with a sewing palm and needle. Sewing palms are made for both right and left handed people. The width of the permanent whipping should equal the diameter of the line. Two whippings are best. The space between the two whippings should be six times the width of the first whipping. When putting on permanent whipping, you should:

Put the needle through the middle of a strand so that it comes out between two strands on the other side.

Wind the turns toward the bitter end. (The number of turns or the width of the whipping will depend on the diameter of the line.)

Push the needle through the middle of a strand so that it comes out between two strands again.

Go up and down between strands to put a cross-seizing between each pair of strands.

Pull each cross-seizing tight before taking the next one.


Make sure the thread comes out through the middle of a strand the last time it is pushed through, so that the strand will hold the end of the twine after it is knotted and cut.